Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Typical tears

Caelan had a great day at preschool today! It brings such a smile to my
face to get this news.

The tears this morning were only for Dad and dried up quickly once he left.
Just like other 3 year olds! How awesome is that??

He spent the entire day there, had a 45 minute nap and tons of fun.

He can apparently navigate his walker about the classroom without crashing
into everything, and even does well with it outside in the play yard.

I'm so proud of my big boy!!

Now if only he would sleep through the night!?!?
That would be icing on the cake!!


  1. So happy to hear they were only typical tears!


  2. OK I am a VERY bad friend when I realized yet again how many I had not read yet! How do you find time? You are incredible-- back to your Rewind Post-wish I had commented that day-- like everyone agrees - you are a great Mom! Look how well all your children are doing!! Your girls are wonderful (despite at home attitude) your boy is thriving - your husband is great - give your self credit in all of this! Can't wait to see you for real!

  3. WTG Caelan. Now to sleep thru the night. It definitely is going in the right direction :)Debbie & Doug
