Thursday, October 7, 2010

a good book

I love reading.  This isn't new.  I've always loved reading and have been known to obsess slightly over a good book.  It's true, I get so far into a book I can't put it down and I just need to finish it.  I'll stay up until the wee hours of the morning just to find out how it ends.  I've met someone of the opposite perspective who, when nearing the end of a really good read, actually slows down in an attempt to make it last.  I like the idea of prolonging the ending but have never managed to actually do it.

Fortunately or not, I've passed this love of reading onto my eldest daughter.  I can't take sole responsibility or blame for this because Damian reads as much, if not more than I do.  At nine years old Ryland has already read the entire Harry Potter series at least four times and it's by far her favourite.  She’s also read all kinds of fairy chapter books, all of Judy Blume’s Fudge series, the Percy Jackson series and Treasure Island among others.  We’ve quizzed her on the storylines to make sure that she’s actually understanding what she’s reading and so far she seems to be. 

This week Damian introduced her to The Hobbit.  She’s almost done the book, or was when she left for school.  I wouldn't be surprised if she's done it by the time she gets home.  It’s hard to find appropriate subject matter for her reading level and we’ve made amazing use of our library card.  If you can’t find Ry, you can bet she’s curled up in her room with a book.  She loves when reading is assigned for homework and argues that the hours she read on the bus to and from school don’t count.  I know I shouldn't complain but it does sometimes get to be a bit much!

Caelan also demonstrates this same passion for reading – or at least a love for books.  We empty his book shelf daily with him bringing me books to read to him.  So lately my reading has been more along the lines of Curious George, Barney, and Ten Little Ladybugs.  Board books just aren’t the same though!

I feel as though I'm in a bit of a lull in my reading and haven't found the right book to get me back on track.  I miss it and look forward to any recommendations.

ARGH!  Just got the call that our nurse for tonight is sick and they weren't able to find a replacement... and I have nothing to read!!  It's going to be a long night.  Maybe I'll drive Ry to dance tonight and visit the library...

1 comment:

  1. I have that vampire series I mentioned a while back but, you had just gotten a pile from the library. So those are always a possibility (not for tonight, sadly). Other then that I have not been reading much myself - seems to always be lots going on and I have started to use the bus ride to and from work as my don't think time! Hahaha...
