Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dream world Momma

ok so I have a confession...

Before Caelan was admitted I falsely believed that once Caelan was sedated post op we'd be sailing.  He should be in the most pain immediately after surgery, so I had rationalized that once we had him comfortable we just had to maintain that for the week.  I even believed that if all went really well I might even go to work on Monday and Tuesday of this week while our boy slept soundly and peacefully in the hospital. 

HA HA  HA!!  What planet was I dreaming on?!!?  How soon I forget how things work!

I know this too - that's what made it so embarassing when I realized just how naive I was being.  When you are sedated post op, generally that's the least amount of drugs you'll need.  As time passes your body becomes accustomed to the drugs and you develop a tolerance to them.  Each day you require more and more medication to keep you at the same comfort level.  It's a constant game of catch up.  With Caelan even more so.  His body is already familiar with these medications and he just eats them right up so to speak. 

Caelan's medications have been increased regularly over the past few days in the PICU.  I mentionned in an earlier post that Caelan hasn't required as many of the extra boosts of morphine and medazolam, but you have to understand that they have increased the infusions.  The infusions are the medications that he gets continuously through his IV.  He's still getting more, but it seems likes less when they don't have to give all those extra boosts.

With all that said, there have been no increases to any of his narcotics the past two days.  Not sure I can say the same for the next two though...


  1. Sweet Dreams my little friend!

    The Lafantaisie's

  2. Tanya....I believe we can all be naive when it comes to our children especially when it comes to our children and health matters. I am sending prayers to you all..stay strong my friend and to Mr. C...sleep tight little man. When you wake up it will be a whole new world : )
