Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve at Gramma and Grampa's

I'm usually the one taking the pictures so it's rare to see one of me!
I thought this one of Caelan and I was pretty good.

Gramma and the grandkids checking out the picture with Santa here on the blog.

Damian, Caelan and Grampa...
Caelan was arguing with Grampa - trying to tell Grampa he was five not four years old.
Grampa would sign four and Caelan would pull his thumb out to make five!
Caelan laughing because he stole Grampa's seat.
Ryland and Gramma sharing a moment in the kitchen.
The girls loving their new crazy hats!
Caelan giving Darcy a big squeeze.  Totally unprompted. Love it.
Auntie Vicky is getting a new Great Dane puppy in two weeks.
Here her and Caelan are checking out pictures of the new puppy.
Another great time with family, xo

1 comment:

  1. It was a great time, love when the house is full of kids big and small with lots of laughter makes it my favourite place to be!!!!

