Wednesday, December 21, 2011

At my Mom's

We had a Christmas get together last weekend and I've been wanting to get some of my pictures up since then.  We participated in an activity that used to be an annual tradition but that we haven't done in years... Especially in this fashion.  We made individual gingerbread houses with graham crakers!

The table was all ready when we got there.

Can you say excited?

Getting so grown up...
Caelan's first day out of the hospital.
My masterpiece

Thing One

Thing Two - looks a little guilty, eh? Think she snuck a treat?

My sis - check out that shingled roof!

Her hubby - that's a ladder leaning on the house on the right!

Mom's, complete with a shed at the back that you can't see!
I would say that we all had a really good time! 

Oh and there were also a couple of these consumed! (Tons of other yummy goodies too!)  Look how pretty and festive they are and so absolutely delish!  Wish I could tell you what was in them, but Mom will have to post that below!

This is what the holidays are all about... No, not drinking fancy beverages!  Spending some good quality time with family. xo


  1. wow look at those houses..good job! Those drinks look yummy..very festive...can't wait for her to post how they are made ;)

  2. Yes holidays are about drinking fancy beverages! Oh yah - and family!
