Thursday, January 20, 2011

more glasses

This was our first idea in an attempt to convince Caelan that glasses are fun to wear!

Damian picked these reading glasses up at the dollar store and then we popped the lenses out so that the whole family had fancy new glasses to show off...  Didn't really work, but with assistance I did get another picture of Caelan.

I would love to say that he's laughing... but sadly, he's not.  Check out all the fingerprints on the lens from him pulling them off his head!  Such a brat!!  I made several attempts today at getting him to wear them, all unsuccessful.  It was a very long day.


  1. Look out Harry Potter! So CUTE! Good luck keeping them on. Have you tried those bands that wrap around the head??? Love the Irvines

  2. How has it been going with the glasses - I forgot to ask you this morning.

  3. Oh and I noticed that you added the helpful links - very cool. okay now I am done.
