Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Caelan came home after a fun day at school...

Playing in the school Halloween store with his buddy Jack
When Caelan left for school he had some red spots on his hands that I thought were from him chewing them as he's known to do. With the colder weather they've been off limits in his mitts and as a result his upper lip in getting a chewing and quite chapped.
When Caelan got home there were significantly more spots on his hands and all around his mouth. We kept an eye on them. They got redder.  By this morning the spots were blistered and open... oozing... yuck.
We were lucky enough to get in to see his Pediatrician this morning and were quickly diagnosed with impetigo. It's a nasty bacterial infection and is highly contagious.  We were prescribed an antibiotic and a topical ointment to help sooth the itchiness.  I have to say though that they don't seem to be bothering him at all.  He's actually quite disappointed that he can't go to school because of these spots. At least he's in a good mood since he'll be home with me for the next 48 hours while he's contagious!
Fingers crossed nobody else gets it!!

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