Friday, August 30, 2013

Zoo Zoo Zoo

We were lucky enough to visit two different zoos this summer.  Earlier in August we spent two days at the Toronto Zoo and this week we visited the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse.  The zoo in Syracuse is much smaller, only some 700 animals on 43 acres compared to over 5000 animals on 710 acres in Toronto. We still thoroughly enjoyed our day.  In Syracuse, most of the exhibits are indoors so it's a bit tricky to get decent pics through the glass but I think it was easier for Caelan to spot the animals.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Tigers were too far away for a good picture - the nerve of them!  Have I ever mentioned how much I'd like a zoom lens for my camera?!?!
We did see bears too, unfortunately no picture though and not because they were too far away.  The opposite actually, they were snuggled up right against the glass of the enclosure and resembled a great big black ball of fur!  Didn't make for a great photo!
That was one big octopus.  First time we went by he was all cozied up, hiding in the rocks.
There were lots of elephants, even a tiny baby one! 
Caelan and I paused here for a bit to watch the sea turtles and caymans.
This was a fabulous idea, one that I think the Toronto Zoo should adopt for those hot summer days.  There were hoses set up at intervals to mist the guests.  You could avoid them if you wanted or stand under them until you were soaked.  Your choice!


This was posted at several locations throughout the zoo.  It reads:
Avoid serious injury and disturbance to the animals... Please do not place your children or your stroller on the top rail!  Thank you for your cooperation.
In this particular location we're in the tree tops looking down on the animals (I think it was the fox). We were high.   I've seen signs asking not to put your children on the fence or rails before but to actually lift your stroller up and balance it on this rail?!?!?  Really?  Sometime I wonder...

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